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Yoga Offerings

Breathe. Flow. Stretch. Grow.

Let's practice together! Below is a list of where I'm teaching and when. You'll also find a form to book privates and small group classes, as well as descriptions of the various classes I offer.


Schedule of Studio Classes

Ayla's in-studio offerings around the SF Peninsula.

Check back soon for her RISE Yoga schedule!


10:00am - 11:15am

Peacebank Yoga Studio in Redwood City

Mindful Flow - A focus on the intention behind your practice. Students are encouraged to commit this practice to their personal Sankalpa or "heart's desire" to deepen their connection and find alignment on and off the mat.


12:oon - 1:15pm

Peacebank Yoga Studio in Redwood City

SlowFlow & Stretch -  A practice to move energy and create space. Warm up the body with a short breath-to-movement sequence, followed by longer-held stretches to improve flexibility and release tension. 


7:30pm - 8:30pm

Vennu Studio in Millbrae (V1 location, 227 El Camino Real)

Revive Yoga + Yoga Nidra - Release tension and cultivate relaxation.

Gentle, mindful and flowing movements lead into an extended Savasana and guided relaxation (Yoga Nidra).


Every Other Week

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Vennu Studio in Millbrae

Stretch & Release or Meditative Yoga + Tea Ceremony 

Once a month I offer Stretch & Release, a practice to unwind from the week and move into weekend mode through slow-flowing movements, longer-held stretches and deep breaths. 

Join me once a month for the Meditative Tea Ceremony, where we will move mindfully, align intention with action, and close with a tea serving paired with a mini meditation


Once a month

10:30am - 11:30am

Vennu Studio in Millbrae (V1 location, 227 El Camino Real)

Class styles vary each month between Stretch & Release, Revive and Slow Flow.

Book Small Group Yoga

Let's Connect


Share the practice of yoga with friends and family!

Request a 60 or 90 minute yoga class for groups of up to 6 people. Price will very depending on location and class size.


Thanks for submitting!

Class Descriptions

What to expect in Ayla's classes

Gentle Yoga

Alignment-Based Yoga to balance, ground and center.

In this practice, students will be led through a variety of postures designed to stretch and strengthen targeted areas in the body. Combined with breathing techniques and meditation, this class is a beautiful balance of effort and ease. All levels welcome!

Yoga Basics

The Fundamentals of Yoga.

Whether you are brand new to yoga or want to brush up on the basics, this class is for you! Students can expect a slower-paced class to focus on entering, holding and exiting postures in a safe and supportive way by practicing mindfulness throughout class.  Breathing techniques, common postures and terminology will be introduced to help you begin and continue your yoga journey.

Yin & Flow

A combination of passive yoga (Yin) and active yoga (Flow)

This is a thoughtfully sequenced class combining Yin Yoga, longer-held passive poses designed to stretch targeted muscles and release fascia (connective tissue), and Vinyasa Yoga, breath to movement. Throughout class, students can expect to repeatedly build heat, with movement and breath then find release in the passive poses. The ebbs and flows of this class are a beautiful representation of the cycles of life and nature.

Slow Flow

Vinyasa-Based Yoga to move energy and rejuvenate

This is a gentle, slow-paced Vinyasa (breath to movement) style class designed to relieve stress, improve flexibility and build strength through mindful movements. The pace of this class is meditative and emphasizes peace and calm in the mind and body. Some poses will be held for multiple breaths in order to slow down and enjoy the journey.

Ageless Flow

A gentler version of the Slow Flow class.

In this class, you’ll find slower transitions and slightly longer holds to stabilize poses. The pace of this class lies between Gentle Yoga and Slow Flow. Both classes may conclude with a Restorative Yoga (supported resting) pose.

Unwind Yoga

A class where you’re encouraged to slow down and breathe deep.

This version of Gentle Yoga is designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress through slow and gentle stretches,  breath-guided movement, soothing postures and mini-meditations. Allow your nervous system some time to heal and reset in this class. This may become the favorite part of your bedtime routine!

Outdoor Yoga - Breath of Fresh Air

Commune with the earth and allow Mother Nature to heal, nourish and inspire you.

Practice in local parks, beaches and other magnificent outdoor settings. Connect mind and body. Unite inner and outer worlds. Join together in community. Move mindfully with the rhythms of nature. Students are encouraged to wear layers, bring water, sunscreen (we’ll usually be shaded by trees, but just in case!)

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